Wednesday 2 September 2015

Yummy VegMeatballs

Yummy Yummy VegMeatBalls
Simple as anything and Great way to use up what you got in your fridge 

So I go through what i got in the fridge and pick out what i fancy and what might go well together
then I put everything in a blender and mix up and add the mince last make into balls and fry on the pan!!
Sometimes I make double and freeze after I cook it in plastic boxes so its ready to go into the oven, and it makes a quick meal at a later date! :)

The recipe I used this time was  :
600gr Lean mince beef
1 Yellow pepper
1 Red onion
2 large Celery sticks
2 Cloves garlic
Large desert spoon Creamy garlic and Herb spread (free from as I'm intolerant to dairy)
1 Egg
Little season all and garlic spices

All mixed up nicely in a blender and then I use 2 spoons to make the balls and fry on a pan with a little vegetable oil :)

And its always easy to change this recipe and "hide" vegetables you would like your children to eat, or even that you would like to eat but don't really like the taste of! :)

Serves aprox : 4 people,
Calories per serving : 215
Fat: 7,3g
Carbs : 3g
Protain : 34.6

Hope you enjoy :)

Instagram : justdiymama
Twitter @justdiymama