Wednesday 30 December 2015


So this year has been somewhat of a roller coaster,
I started the year 2015 by loosing a stone in 1 month by cutting out all dairy product, then early January I was bitten by a Lyme infected deer tick and had to go on 4 weeks worth of antibiotics. I kept trying to loose weight and get into football and over the few months after the weight slowly melted off me and by the end of may I had lost nearly 2 stone since beginning of January,

These pictures were taken 8 weeks apart! :) very pleased!

 then in May we moved house and went on holiday in the space of 2 weeks!

And doing all this and having 2 kids under 3 is no joke!!

3 DAYS after we came back from holiday I was cycling back home from work on a Friday night ( work at a pub), where a lady who didn't see me with full light gear coming down the hill turns in front of me and I missed her hood by a foot but smashed into the side of her car instead, face planting the car with the handlebars digging into my thigh, as I was trying to jump off the bike,  and then bouncing onto the road and hitting my head and my shoulder badly on the road.
I was taking by an ambulance to the nearest hospital and thankfully nothing was broken, just a severely bruised thigh (hematoma along with damaged fat cells ), bruised knee, face and a really bad whip lash.
Took 2 weeks to recover before I started going out and about again,
The thing I was most destructed about after the accident is all the hard work I had put in to get myself fit and ready for football season, now I had 2 months of absolutely no exercise do to terrible back and thigh pains.
I slowly eased back into football and with physio therapy along side I think I came back together quite quickly, I wouldn't even say I'm now at the same place as I was in the summer, I still got a fair way to go before I get to that stage again but I CAN AND I WILL!

 Yes I'm definitely getting my confident back and my body back. Slowly but surely, but hey I will get there!

Signed on again this year with the most awesome team ever!, Newbury ladies, they are the most amazing group of girls and just absolutely epic to play along side them!

I keep taking progress pictures as I feel its the best way to see how well I'm doing!

I try keeping on track as just from September - December, I pulled a muscle in my groin, abs, and thigh, I got 2 infections in my throat, 1 in my wisdom tooth, a new found severe allergic reactions to avocado! :(,  fractured chest bone  , constant sickness bugs (either me or the kids) and just all in all a hell of a lot of CRAP thrown in me, but Ive always tried to keep on track with my eating if i haven't been able to exercise properly.

And I have to say in a year!.. I'm So happy going from this 


Peace out 2015!, Ill be rocking into 2016 in my Pj's as a true Mom !

Tuesday 8 December 2015

All about CARBS!

I'm one of the people who LOVE Carbs, after I started eating them religiously, making sure if they contain simple or complex sugars I feel ten times better!, more energized and focused!

Simple sugars are digested faster and release energy faster, but you will go down just as fast, so making sure you are eating more of complex sugars to get the slow releasing of Glucose and keep energy nice and steady over the day so you wont be up and down like a yo-yo.

It varies how much of each Macronutrient each person needs depending on age, weight, how often and for how long you train for and what your goals are.

- Carbohydrates prodive the body with glycose, which is converted to energy used to suppord bodily functions and physical activity.
- healthiest sorces are : whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans,
- Unhealthier sorces are : white bread, pastries, soda and other highly processed foods, these items contain easily digested carbs that may contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss , and promote diabetes and heart disease.

Good Foods high in carbs:

  • Whole wheat bread , 1 slice, about 14gr
  • Multi grain bread, 1 slice, about 17gr
  • oatmeal cooked, 1 cup , about 25gr
  • Pasta, whole wheat, 1 cup cooked, 37gr
  • rice, basmati brown, 1/4 cup dry, 31gr
  • rice, brown, 1/4 cup dry, 33gr
  • Rye bread , 1 slice 15gr

  •  Avocado , 1 medium  17gr
  • Rasberries , 1 cup , 15 gr
  • Blackberries, 1 cup. 15gr
  • Black beans . 1/2 cup . 22gr
  • Broccoli , 1 cup , 9gr
  • Pear , 1 medium , 20gr
  • Apple, 1 medium, 23gr
  • Barley 1/2 cup, 22gr
  • Peach, 1 medium 12gr
  • banana, 1 medium , 27gr
  • Pomegranate , 1/2 fruit 27gr
  • Mango  1 cup , 25gr
  • pinapple , 1 cup, 22gr
  • Orange, (3 inch piece), 18gr
  • Grapes, 1 cup , 16gr

I reccomend Myfitnesspal app !, easy to input what you are eating and it shows the Macros (carbs, protain and fat), and its usefull to keep track of what you are having on the go! :)

Obviously there are ALOT more foods that contain carbs and how you puzzle your meals togeather is upto you and your diatery needs.

soon I will be putting up some meal suggestions and recipes and best way to Carb load before a heavy physical activity :)

Instagram @justdiymama
Twitter @justdiymama

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Finally growing up! :)

I'm so Excited!
Finally found what I want to be when I grow up, a personal trainer/health nut!
Ive started my first course and decided to go with the sport nutrition program with Shaw academy as I got a great deal on :)

So I'm going to be re-capsing information, learning new/better recipes and posting on here, both so I got everything handy for me to go over but for everyone to enjoy and hopefully get something out of.

And just for every bodies information this is aimed for athletes or people doing exercises on regular bases, each person needs to adapt the information to reach their personal needs and goals.

To start of with

  • you should be eating 5-7 portion of veg a day
  • 2-3 portion of fruit a day
  • with carbs aim for whole grain, unprocessed, and avoid refined grains, also choose legumes and pulses
  • choose lean unprocessed meat, unsalted nuts and seeds, 
  • Fish 2x a week ( 1 oily and 1 white)

  • Avoid foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt
Macro nutrients are : carbs, protein and fat
  • Carbs are not just a bad thing, there are good and bad carbs!
  • Carbs are the most important fuel for exercise.
  • carbs get stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles
  • Men can store up to 490g of glycogen in their muscles and liver
  • Women can store up to 370g of glycogen in their muscles and liver

  • The more you train your muscles the more glycogen the muscles can store.
  • When in training or match and the glycogen stores are inadequate the body starts breaking down proteins for energy, which leaves less protein for muscle build up and restoration.

  • Proteins main function is muscle growth and repair
  • protein is the most satisfying nutrient (will fill you up nicely)
  • it provides a small fuel source for exercise.
  • Protein over 2g/per kg does not give you any advantage for performance.
  • WHO recommends 0,75g/per kg for an average person, but atheletes need more

  • Fat is essential for the body, try to aim for about 20%-35% of your daily Kcal intake to be fats,
  • stay away from trans fat, and look for healthier fats
  • healthier fats are : salmon(oily fish), avocado, nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, fish oil, olives etc.
  • During prolonged aerobic exercise in endurance athletes, fat can contribute up to 75% of energy

  • Carbs and fat are the main fuel for exercise
When making up your meals and meal plans try to choose from a variety of foods from each food group as even though they might have similar levels of macros you need to make sure you are having enough vitamins and minerals in your diet too.

ps. Sorry for spelling or grammar errors!, hope there arent too many! 

Thank you and any information or comments please get in contact
see recipes on @justdiymama on instagram and twitter, and coming on here soon! 
All the information is what i have learned on my course or throught research from a variety of webpages and books, if there is anything you consider wrong then please get in contact with me, I hold no reliability for anything anyone does with the information on this page

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Yummy VegMeatballs

Yummy Yummy VegMeatBalls
Simple as anything and Great way to use up what you got in your fridge 

So I go through what i got in the fridge and pick out what i fancy and what might go well together
then I put everything in a blender and mix up and add the mince last make into balls and fry on the pan!!
Sometimes I make double and freeze after I cook it in plastic boxes so its ready to go into the oven, and it makes a quick meal at a later date! :)

The recipe I used this time was  :
600gr Lean mince beef
1 Yellow pepper
1 Red onion
2 large Celery sticks
2 Cloves garlic
Large desert spoon Creamy garlic and Herb spread (free from as I'm intolerant to dairy)
1 Egg
Little season all and garlic spices

All mixed up nicely in a blender and then I use 2 spoons to make the balls and fry on a pan with a little vegetable oil :)

And its always easy to change this recipe and "hide" vegetables you would like your children to eat, or even that you would like to eat but don't really like the taste of! :)

Serves aprox : 4 people,
Calories per serving : 215
Fat: 7,3g
Carbs : 3g
Protain : 34.6

Hope you enjoy :)

Instagram : justdiymama
Twitter @justdiymama

Thursday 7 May 2015

Healthy Simple Lunch Ideas

So 4 weeks ago completely changed my lifestyle, I started watching what I was eating but made sure I was eating enough and enough of the good stuff :)
I signed up for myfitnesspal and took together how much I should be eating in Kcal and came out to about 2350 Kcal a day, so I make sure I have about 1800 a day to keep my weight loss going and then I do my exercises 3x a week , run/walk 5k a week and cycle 3,5km 3x a week :)

Here are some of my simple lunch ideas :

Mixed seed bread with a bit of butter, bacon and egg!, absolutely hits the spot, love the simplicity and still so lovely and tasty! 

A Mexican spicy bean burger (vegan!), I tried this first the other day and fell in love!!, this might possibly be one of my favourite things to have at the moment , I put it in a mix seed deli roll  topped with a tiny bit of reggea  reggae sauce, tomatoes, cucumber, onion and lettuce! 

Tuna Salad salad!
One of my favourites!, I looove tuna, i could eat it all day long!, there i put loads of lettuce,cucumber, tomatoes, onion, bits of cheese, pumpkin seeds , sunflower seeds, linseed, and the tuna on top! 
feels light and you don't feel to stuffed after it! 

Omelet is a very common lunch for me, I will whisk together 2-3 eggs ( depending on how hungry I am), with Almond milk, then place what ever ingredients I want and got in the fridge on the pan cook for a few minutes before I add the egg and milk mix, ones cooked on the button I will place the pan into the grill and cook it on top ( sometimes sprinkle a little cheese on top before i put the pan in the grill),
and cant forget to add a little salad to the side :)

This I tried for the first time today!,
As I was in Tesco today looking at something quick to grab with me I looked at the description of the foods and kcal and price and thought  ; no way I'm going to pay this much for something so unhealthy!, So bought the kingsmill thins (6 for a £1) and 250gr of chicken for £2.50. Jumped home and made this lovely lunch!
Kingsmill Sandwich things (99kcal), so I topped it with a little light mayo, cucumber, onions and chicken. Absolutely perfect and made it so quickly!

Thank you and hope you like it, 
I put updates regularly on instagram @justdiymama if you would like to have a look 

Tuesday 24 March 2015

My favorita tortilla!

Tortillas in them selfs are quite easy to do. with a few toppings this plane circler bread becomes something amazing!, 
these are my favorite things to top a tortilla with

I like to use a spicy tomato sause, cheese, mince (or chicken), onion, cucumber,tomatoes,lettuce and apple, and sometimes when i got rice i put that with it! :)  looovely and filling and yet I dont feel bloated after.
hope this gives you some ideas :)

- Thank you - 

 Kela Maskell

Oatmeal banana raisin snack

 I love love loooove this simple and easy snacks for the kids, its healthy and brilliant for them to have as a snack on its own or with whatever you can think of! :)

The recipe is 
1 banana - mashed up
about 300ml of oats ( i measured them in a mesuring cup then put them in a blender to chop them down a bit), 
handful of raisins

I added everything togeather and split the dough in shapes you like on a backing paper. cooke in the oven on 180°C untill slightly golden.

- You can add any sort of dried fruit to these or fresh berries and they taste just as amzing! :)
ps. Its amaazing for teething kids too!  soothes my little boy right down if his gums are itchy.
These snacks are freezable and a qick easy and healthy snack on the go ! :)

- Thank you - 

Kela Maskell 

Monday 23 March 2015

Amazing Puff pastry buns

A super simple easy snack 
The puff pastry rolls you can fill with whatever you like!

I like to buy a ready prerolled puff pastry sheet from the shops, my favorit filling is 
sweetcorn, ham and spinach, but you can use whatever you like, just make sure its not to wet as the pastry wont puff as well as it should.

I mix my filling in a bowl and spread out the pastry on a bakingsheet,
Spread the mix evenly on the pastry and roll the pastry up from bottom to the top, Cut the pastry gently into little rolls and put with even spaces onto the bakingsheet, back at 180°C for aprox 15 minutes or untill nicely golden and its allways good to take one of the rolls out and open it to see if its cooked through.

- Thank you -

Kela Maskell