Thursday 7 May 2015

Healthy Simple Lunch Ideas

So 4 weeks ago completely changed my lifestyle, I started watching what I was eating but made sure I was eating enough and enough of the good stuff :)
I signed up for myfitnesspal and took together how much I should be eating in Kcal and came out to about 2350 Kcal a day, so I make sure I have about 1800 a day to keep my weight loss going and then I do my exercises 3x a week , run/walk 5k a week and cycle 3,5km 3x a week :)

Here are some of my simple lunch ideas :

Mixed seed bread with a bit of butter, bacon and egg!, absolutely hits the spot, love the simplicity and still so lovely and tasty! 

A Mexican spicy bean burger (vegan!), I tried this first the other day and fell in love!!, this might possibly be one of my favourite things to have at the moment , I put it in a mix seed deli roll  topped with a tiny bit of reggea  reggae sauce, tomatoes, cucumber, onion and lettuce! 

Tuna Salad salad!
One of my favourites!, I looove tuna, i could eat it all day long!, there i put loads of lettuce,cucumber, tomatoes, onion, bits of cheese, pumpkin seeds , sunflower seeds, linseed, and the tuna on top! 
feels light and you don't feel to stuffed after it! 

Omelet is a very common lunch for me, I will whisk together 2-3 eggs ( depending on how hungry I am), with Almond milk, then place what ever ingredients I want and got in the fridge on the pan cook for a few minutes before I add the egg and milk mix, ones cooked on the button I will place the pan into the grill and cook it on top ( sometimes sprinkle a little cheese on top before i put the pan in the grill),
and cant forget to add a little salad to the side :)

This I tried for the first time today!,
As I was in Tesco today looking at something quick to grab with me I looked at the description of the foods and kcal and price and thought  ; no way I'm going to pay this much for something so unhealthy!, So bought the kingsmill thins (6 for a £1) and 250gr of chicken for £2.50. Jumped home and made this lovely lunch!
Kingsmill Sandwich things (99kcal), so I topped it with a little light mayo, cucumber, onions and chicken. Absolutely perfect and made it so quickly!

Thank you and hope you like it, 
I put updates regularly on instagram @justdiymama if you would like to have a look